


Claim details



We work with all the airlines

100% online, no worries

Up to 1.400€ per passenger

In good hands, 98% success rate

Reason for the claim

Do you have invoices that justify the damage caused by this fact, whose total value exceeds € 150?

Did you have any connection in your trip?

Full itinerary

First flight origin
Final destination

Were you offered an alternate flight?

Claim Details

What kind of strike?

How far in advance the airline informed you about the cancellation?

Delay time for you arrival?

Did the airline offer you accommodation for the night?

Did the airline offer you food and/or drink during the wait?

Did the airline give you any compensation for the incident?

Which compensation did they give you?

Did claim at the airport baggage counter?

What problem did you have with your luggage?

Have you already recovered your luggage?

It's been 21 (or more) days since the loss of your luggage?

What day did you get your luggage?

How many luggage pieces have been affected?